My name is Daniel, and I love building delightful experiences, 📷 photography, riding 🏍️ motorcycles and ⛳️🏌️ golf.

As an Architecture graduate from U.C. Berkeley that decided to jump into tech and UI/UX and Product Design, I’ve had the chance to learn and approach design from many different angles throughout my career, building myself up to be a well-rounded generalist. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that there are rarely universal solutions to problems in design and am deeply fascinated by the insights that have us question our assumptions on human experience and psychology.
After a two and a half year stint at a small architecture firm, my UI/UX and Product Design career comprises work at various e-commerce, travel and Saas companies. With most of these companies being startups, I learned to wear a ton of different hats including social media marketing, content marketing, content production, graphic design, copy writing, data analytics, product management, and front end development working in both React and Angular; all on top of my core Product Design duties.
Through all this, the consistent qualities that have persevered and made me into the designer I am today are my love for learning, my ability to take a step back and think big picture, and by always putting the user first. With these constants, I hope to join a team and learn from some of the best, as well as drive forward the innovations in products and experiences that impact so many lives.